5 Recruitment Issues and How to Avoid Them

One of the most essential decisions that businesses make is hiring the right people to work with. In general, effective recruitment makes a big difference in company performance. This article explains 5 issues and how to avoid them.

Recruitment errors may result in huge conflicts. These conflicts include teams that lack cooperation and inconsistent staff turnover.

Poor selection of employees leads to the lack of employee motivation. It also includes low performance and high turnover rates. Organisations and companies are trying to look for the best ways to prevent such slip-ups by finding and onboarding the most ideal person for the job.

It would be helpful to understand the recruitment errors affecting your company. It would mean making a fast hire to fill in the gap. Moreover, recruitment might fail to perceive the true potential of the applicant.

Below are five issues in the recruitment process that businesses usually encounter.

Relying too much on gut feel

There are a lot of companies that spend too much time and resources for interviewing applicants. They also tend to rely more on gut feel in hiring and developing the skills of their employees.

In general, it might be difficult to shake off the feeling that everything is alright and it can be quite tempting to follow your intuition. The best way to hire with precision is through various results-based strategies like job simulations and evaluation exams. Your hiring process needs a balanced amount of both quantitative and qualitative data.

You also need to practice internal recruitment since it helps protect valuable information. There is a loss of information when there are people who decide to leave the team or your company. Internal recruitment has several advantages. This includes training and promotion of people to boost their productivity and self-esteem.

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Finding the right duties and responsibilities that are aligned with the greatest potential of employees would help them perform better. They can also become a bigger prospect for the future success of the company.

Internal recruitment also inspire current workers and push them to help in achieving the company’s goals. Keeping the existing workers satisfied is an efficient way to prevent recruitment issues. If they love their job, they won’t have a reason to look for a job anywhere else.

Dwelling more on positive traits

In recruitment, several businesses search for certain qualities in an applicant. These qualities should coincide with the culture of the company and its requirements. Trying to detect the strengths of someone can be hard because it is easy for applicants to fake their strengths just to get the job.

The inherent skills of applicants should be combined with duties, obligations, and work environment. Various companies can use several techniques including temperament and aptitude tests. This is to identify and draw on an individual’s strengths and traits.

While applicants can find interview guides to help them craft their responses to common interview questions, it will be impossible for them to foretell the scenarios that will be given to them during their interview. Try to give them certain work scenarios that will uncover how they think logically and respond to work crisis.

When you do this, you will find out what their weaknesses are, and you can take those weaknesses in consideration when deciding if they’re worth hiring or not.

If you completely dwell on positive traits, you may miss out on an applicant’s problematic areas. Bear in mind that you are searching for an applicant’s history and complete profile. It may also help to focus more on their weaknesses throughout the whole application.

This is because effective recruitment depends on your decision-making skills. It also means that you need to avoid becoming biased.

Uncertainty in employee expectations

Most managers fail in the recruitment process because they don’t have a clear perspective of job specifications. These include knowledge, abilities, and skills. Thus, they fail to connect with the applicant and explain to them what is expected from them.

Recruiters have huge responsibilities in setting applicants’ expectations. If applicants don’t know what is expected from them or how they fit into the big picture, it will be hard to inspire them to do more and contribute to the company’s success.

Also, recruiters may somehow feel positive vibes from applicants but this does not mean that they should hire on the basis of external factors or emotions. It is necessary to use your experience and professional intuition when recruiting the right person.

Psychometrics can provide a common denominator between the perceptions of two people. This will make the analysis more objective. You also need to construct an ideal employee profile before the recruitment process.

Even so, do not put more emphasis on references, whether they are good or bad. A positive experience in one company does not mean that the applicant is an asset in your business. This goes the same with a negative reference from a former employer.

It does not also add up to the fact that he will not be able to grow in the company where you are in. Determine whether an applicant has the skills that you are looking for in your team. This is through exercises or tests that are relevant to the position he or she is applying for.

Recruitment issues to watch

Image: Unsplash

Talking more than the applicant

As a recruiter, you should be there to make up your mind whether the applicant is a perfect fit for the job or not. You don’t need to stir them into a conversation or convince them why the job they are applying for is a better one. Allow the applicant to do most of the talking, especially during interviews.

This is for you to be able to learn more about him or her.  You can also interview twice if you need to. It also takes a new hire around three months to adjust with other employees. This is to generate good work performance.

Recruiter’s acceptance of incompetent answers

Checking one’s resume is an essential aspect of any recruitment process. Yet, it should not be the only glimpse into the skills of an applicant. This can trigger recruitment problems. This is because one can ignore an applicant’s character traits and inner strengths

Do not allow an applicant to leave when they have given vague or generic responses to your questions. Collect as much data about the experiences and skills of the applicant. This is to come up with a competent hiring decision. If they are avoiding certain questions, do not allow them to move to the next one. Instead, you need to do probing and following up for more details.

Psychometric tests exist to determine one’s normal reflexes. It is an efficient way of seeing whether an individual is fit for a certain position, whether trained or not. According to Psychometric Institute, psychometric tests measure individuals’ mental capabilities and behavioural style.

As a recruiter, you need to decide whom to give personality and psychometric tests to. And based on the results of these tests, you can eliminate the likelihood of hiring the wrong person. When deciding who to hire, you can choose a fresh graduate whose psychometric profile suggests that he is well-driven for a certain position.

Or, you may also choose an applicant with more experience. In this scenario, having a personality test after a psychometric test would make sense because you are just trying to uncover personality issues that may arise in the future.

In Summary

Recruitment errors can occur even if you’re a seasoned recruiter. Yet, there are techniques that can reduce such errors and further save the company time and money. Keeping up-to-date with technology and recruitment practices is one way to recruit the best people for the job.

Recruiters should also constantly evaluate current workers’ growth potential. This way, if there are existing employees who can perform the duties that you should be hiring a dedicated person for, you can decide if it’s better to just assign those duties to those existing employees.

The recruitment of new employees can be both time-consuming and expensive. This is the reason why it is essential to get the process right. You need to be aware of the common recruitment issues that most companies experience.

At the same time, you need to know the effective approach to dealing with those challenges without undermining the speed and efficiency of your recruitment process.

Afterall, an efficient recruitment process will help reduce the company’s turnover rates and engage employees.


About the Author

Angeline Licerio is a writer and career blogger. She is passionate about lifestyle design and remote work.

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