6 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Outsource Your Employee Engagement Surveys

Measuring employee engagement has been around for years; it’s benefits proven ten-fold. However, we know it can be hard. Managers are busy, anonymity is a concern and what questions should I ask anyway? In this article, we answer your concerns.

The aim of any good manager is to lead a team that is passionate, successful and engaged. Being backed by a great workforce means your business will do well. Knowing how your staff are feeling and what their concerns are, is vital to being a good manager.

With modern tools and resources at your disposal, monitoring employee attitudes should no longer be an internal burden. Nowadays, the best option is to outsource your employee engagement surveys.

Internal solutions are unable to provide the same level of service that comes from being able to outsource your employee engagement surveys. We’ve addressed many employee and managerial concerns through the creation of 6Q.

Six compelling reasons you should outsource your employee engagement surveys

Truly anonymous

A major reason why employees don’t voice their concerns is that they are scared of being singled out and confronted. A positive workplace welcomes all feedback in order to keep improving.

Using an external provider means your staff always feel comfortable voicing their opinions, without the fear of concerns being traceable. Outsource your employee engagement surveys to encourage honest results and actionable feedback.


Internal surveys often feel like a chore. A task brushed off to the side to be dealt with ‘later’ – often never. In order to receive the best results possible, outsource your employee engagement surveys.

When received from a third party, these important surveys are always perceived to be much more credible. If your staff often ignore your HR emails, they’ll probably ignore your questions too.

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Still not convinced? Check out 5 Great Reasons why your Annual Employee Survey Sucks.

Smiling woman

Credit: Rawpixel

Compare results

So you’ve collected some valuable survey results, but what do they mean? How do you interpret these numbers and use them to work towards a better workplace. If you outsource your employee engagement surveys, you can often benchmark your results.

For example, our 6Q system allows you to compare your data against over 2,000 organisations all over the world. If you can’t understand your results, there’s not much point in collecting them.

Related article: What to Do with Employee Survey Results.

Experts in the field

Investing money into your employee’s well being is always positive, but it’s important you’re able to track the benefits of that spending. Implementing an internal system of measuring staff well-being is bound to be costly. It takes a lot of time to work out the kinks on any project, let alone one this big.

If you outsource your employee engagement surveys, you’re placing your trust in the experts. The tried and true method is always the best one, at 6Q we’ve got over 2 years’ experience and are trusted by over 2,000 companies. If you’re investing in your staff, make sure you give them the best possible solution.

Better security and privacy

Gathering and storing data online has always had its risks. As more people rely on the internet, more people try to exploit it; and not all internet security software is created equal. As we discusses above, it’s safer to trust someone with experience who specialises in keeping private information safe. Unless you’re an online security firm, it’s likely your data could be vulnerable.

Here at 6Q, we protect user data by implementing the latest cyber security methods, including daily data backups. Your employees are hardly going to divulge important information if it’s able to be breached.

Compelling reasons you should outsource

Credit: Bench Accounting

New features

Everyone loves new things. Being able to outsource you employee engagement surveys means you’re going to be treated with new features on the regular. Unlike an in-house system, specialised employee feedback services have the time, knowledge and budget to make improvements. This means you’ll always be able to benefit from the latest inclusions.

In fact, we just released some brand new features at 6Q, take a look here.

In Summary

Understanding employee attitudes and listening to concerns is all part of being a great manager. In order to get the best results, many businesses have implemented employee engagement surveys with great success. In this article, we discussed 6 compelling reasons you should outsource your employee engagement survey, noting that they are;

  • Truly anonymous
  • More credible
  • Comparative
  • Experts in the field
  • More secure
  • Offer new features

All the best of luck!

Lauren Clarke

Lauren Clarke

Lauren writes for 6Q and a number of other blogs from her home office in Australia. She spends her time writing, reading and changing US to International English on many articles that she edits.