14 Admirable Attributes of a Great Employee

Great employees that fit with the team are not always easy to find. Bringing the wrong candidate can end up being costly. So what attributes should you look for?

However, when you have found the right employee in the right role, they could change an entire department as they create a positive influence on others. To help you find the right group of employees for your company, we’ve generated ‘the following list of admirable attributes.

Admirable Attributes of a Great Employee:


An ambitious employee always finds ways to better and to improve herself; regardless if it is work related or their personal skills.

Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.
– Bill Bradley


One of the admirable attributes of a great employee is being autonomous. These employees have the ability to work on tasks by themselves with very little help, which at times are necessary because of the number of tasks and departments that managers have to look after.

Not only would it free your time and focus on more urgent projects, it also builds a trust between the employee and you.


Dependability is an important attribute to look out for in an employee as it increases a wide variety of tasks. A dependable employee not only shows up for work on time every day but also produces consistent work.

Gradually, they become an essential team player in the company as they build a strong working relationship; not only with management but with their colleagues as well.

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Arrogance is one of the traits that should not be encouraged by anyone. Nobody likes a bragger; so being humble is important.

Stay true in the dark and humble in the spotlight.
– Harold B. Lee

Passionate and Dedicated

Employees who are passionate and dedicated to their work and goals are those who are always looking forward to heading to work every morning. They are someone who enjoys their work and would naturally put in the best effort irrespective of the task given.


Honestly, nobody likes a liar. The perfect employee always speaks the truth regardless of the circumstance or the difficult spot that they are in. Searching for an honest employee can be tough; they may not even be honest during their interview session with you.

That is when the probation period comes in handy. While there are some managers who are able to sense the honesty of a person during their interview process, the probation period is a great time to study a person’s true attribute. This is an important one amongst the attributes of a great employee.


A confident employee is always the one who is bold at taking calculated risk. Employers want confident employees because they usually get the work done even during stressful or demanding situations.

They produce results and are able to encourage their colleagues to pursue challenges they might otherwise shy away from. These employees are not afraid to take risks because they believe in themselves.

Reliable and Responsible

At times, you will be caught in situations that require the trust and reliability of your employees. This one is pretty easy to guess, but reliable people usually make great employees. They are the people who are accountable and can be entrusted with tasks.

Having reliable and responsible employees make it easier for managers to delegate tasks without prejudice. Normally, the reliable employees tend to be the overachievers as they get things done.

attributes of a great employee

attributes of a great employee


Regardless of the industry or trade that your business is in, a creative person is one who often asked unexpected and related questions. Companies that want to create a basis for long-term success are constantly evolving and need innovative thinkers in order to remain competitive.

Creative employees are the ones who are constantly generating and implementing new ideas all the time. They are also able to development an existing idea in addition to coming up with new ones.


A passionate employee is also an eager one. When you have an ‘eager beaver’ in your company, you can definitely expect your day to be as enlightened as the previous day.

This is because the eager employee will always be looking at a new project as an exciting adventure or taking a bad situation and looking at it as a challenge for themselves.

Positive Attitude

Another one of my favourite attributes of a great employee is that they contribute positively to the company. They take initiatives or provide suggestions. Employees with a positive attitude are those who work to help achieve greater goals for the company. Plus, they are a great person to be around with their positive character!


There are some people who have multiply skills; you have Jack of all trades and a master of one OR Jack of all trades but a master at none. Regardless of what type of person Jack is, having someone who has multiple skills is useful because their skills come in handy during tough times or situations.

These employees who strive to gain more than one skill set would always be looking out for an opportunity to upgrade themselves or learn new set of skills all the time. At times, you would have to make it your business to broaden the number of tasks they can perform and also find courses for them to take part in.


Another admirable attribute of a great employee is being proactive. Look out for employees who are willing to take action and chances. Be prepared that by taking chances, it could lead to failures. However, failures are the stepping stone to success and it help to build up confidence.

Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.

– Napoleon Hill


Any company would want their employees to be diligent and hardworking. At times, finding one with those attributes does not come easy and it would take a while to notice a diligent employee, hoping their traits could be seen during their probation period.

Remember that an employee who is diligent at their work is able to increase her income through higher productivity and exceeding the expectations of the employer.

In Summary

While there may be many more attributes of a great employee that could be added to this list, when they are prepared and looked into properly, these attributes could save your company lots of time and money in the future.

An employee’s knowledge can be refined over time but it is their attributes that can have a huge impact on your company culture on the long run.

Heryati R

Heryati R

Heryati is a member of the customer success team at 6Q, and is based in Perth, Western Australia. Heryati enjoys writing, reading and live music. She believes 6Q is awesome for employee engagement surveys.