Creating a Happier Corporate Culture

Every company has their own corporate culture that determines its value and it usually creates a standard that employees generally follow.

Your company may be producing or selling the best product available in the market but if employees are creating their own set of rules at the workplace and not following the right culture, it could affect the sales and customer relationship.

Some may ask why corporate culture matters. It is rather obvious; the corporate culture is the core of any businesses and it is as important as getting in the sales.

“If you get the culture right, most of the other stuff will just take care of itself.”

– Tony Hsiesh, CEO of

Definition of a corporate culture

On Investopedia, a corporate culture refers to the beliefs and behaviours that determine how the company’s employees and management interact and handle outside business transactions. It is often mentioned that the corporate culture reflects in its dress code, operating hours, office setup, employee benefits, turnover, hiring decisions, client satisfaction and any other aspect of the operation of the business.

There are some businesses that have created their own corporate culture. However, they do not practice what they preach. At the same time, when employees are busy focusing on chasing the big bucks and trying to hit their monthly target, the corporate culture is frequently neglected. This is where management needs to regularly enforce and at times, remind the team of their corporate culture.

“There’s no magic formula for a great company culture. The key is just to treat your staff how you would like to be treated.”

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– Richard Branson

If you sense that the office environment is slowly getting bad, management needs to react quickly before things get out of hand. Perhaps it is time to relook at the culture that was created or get back to basics and remind the team of the corporate culture, or maybe it is time to recreate a new corporate culture as a team.

Here are some points to look into when you are creating a happier corporate culture.

Be a Mentor

When creating a happier corporate culture, management or bosses should try and act as mentors and teammates rather than superiors to their employees. Besides treating all your employees equally, remember to treat them as a part of the team so that they feel valued and recognised.

Encourage an open-policy in the office where employees are free to discuss or gain approval from upper management without going through long hierarchical process. By doing so, employees will feel determined and even confident when they come up with ideas and suggestions without worrying about being turned down or criticised.

Be a positive role model that your fellow employees can learn and look up to.

Laughter: The Best Medicine

We all know that laughter is the best medicine, so why not create a huge sense of humour at the workplace. The office environment may already be stressful enough, so try not to add to the stress level but balanced it out with a couple of fun times.

You could create weird themed days to encourage laughter or even celebrate silly events such as “International Coffee Day” or “Go Green Day”. You do not have to go to a fancy restaurant or the pub just for simple occasion. You could send out email reminders for such events and encourage potluck among the team.

Nothing beats creating a happier corporate culture by bringing smiles and laughter into the office environment.

“There is little success where there is little laughter.”

– Andrew Carnegie

Positive Vision and Mission

At times, the corporate culture does not have to be about the company alone. Remember that it is mainly your employees that make it a company. Without your employees, there is no one bringing in the sales or the customers and without the customers, there is no business to run.

So why not create a vision where the company focus on employee’s growth and productivity. Inspire employees to be creative, productive, and innovative in order for them to feel valued at the workplace. Employees value the company when the company value their employee, it works both ways.

You can find some examples of other corporate culture at our blog on the brilliant examples of company values for more ideas.

In Summary

A great corporate culture can keep employees productive and even help your company retain the best employees and happy workers are also more likely to stick around. Build a happy and fun workplace that your employees look forward to every morning without having to drag themselves out of bed.

All the best in creating a happier corporate culture!

Heryati R

Heryati R

Heryati is a member of the customer success team at 6Q, and is based in Perth, Western Australia. Heryati enjoys writing, reading and live music. She believes 6Q is awesome for employee engagement surveys.