How Disengaged Employees Can Hurt Your Business

Many company owners can’t identify one of the fundamental problems within their organisation: the disengaged employee. As a company owner or boss, with all your multi-dynamic and far-reaching duties, realise that disengaged employees can hurt your business, big time.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a multinational corporation or a start-up. Studies show that keeping many disengaged employees on-board is counterproductive to corporate growth. The latest Gallup polling showed seven out of ten workers are disengaged from their work places, so the probability of having one inside your enterprise is high!

Look at your career, or at the next company you’re going to do. Does the staff where you work have any engagement problems? What about your physician’s or mechanic’s team—which affects your life through their work?

Most organisations that you know or depend on are likely to have an employee engagement issue. What workers expect in a career has shifted, and it’s time for companies to keep up before they drop their best minds and talents.

Engaged employees work passionately and are actively linked to their work. They are trendsetters and contribute to the growth of your company. There would be high dedication results, increased productivity and profit growth.

Conversely, the disengaged employees are ultimately “unplugged.” They go through the working day unmotivated and unenthusiastic. Sometimes, their disengagement is widespread and extends among other team members, reducing overall efficiency.

Actively disengaged employees reveal unpleasant information about the company and openly seek more jobs, showing little to no effort to assist the company’s growth.

Identify the pressure points before discussing how to fix the employee engagement issue. Try to understand why your employees are disengaged. Employee disengagement goes beyond dampening organisational morality.

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It involves affecting a range of company outputs, from efficiency to benefit. If you don’t realise how it causes you losses, you won’t be involved in supporting yourself and the team to find answers.

How disengaged employees can hurt your business

Here are eight troubling ways disengaged employees can hurt your business.

Disengagement is viral

Disengagement of workers is a contagious issue. The negative thoughts and actions of disengaged employees can hurt the business unless you fix the underlying conflicts.

Later on, it can affect the rest of the staff. Even a few deliberately disengaged workers will propagate bad feelings, degrade morale and organisational results. This will cause a high turnover of employees.

Social and teamwork breakdowns

Disengaged workers often retreat and stop collaborating with teammates and managers. Tensions grow, they disintegrate coordination, and the team gets more disgruntled and inefficient.

Massive staff turnover

A disengaged employee doesn’t see a long-term future with the company and is continuously searching for new jobs. If the employees don’t feel attached to the job they’re doing, they’re more inclined to search for a position that suits them elsewhere.

The youth are quick to quit a workplace where they feel withdrawn. Massive turnover amounts to tremendous cost losses for your company. Economists assess the turnover costs to be around 6–9 months of the employee’s salary.

Low productivity

Disengaged employees can hurt your company’s productivity by nearly half. Greater productivity contributes to higher operating performance and increased profits. Disengaged workers make more errors and reduce total efficiency.

Disengagement suggests a lack of concentration and partial or no enthusiasm among workers. When employees are withdrawn, they make lots of mistakes and spend more resources and time at work. Decreased productivity will lead to the next upsetting effect—poor customer care.

How Disengaged Employees Can Hurt Your Business

Image: Pexels

Poor customer care

Disengaged staff will not take the extra step to offer excellent customer service—a crucial element in retaining and sustaining regular clients. Poor communication, low-quality products and unreliable service can lead to angry customers who will then post their disappointment on social media feeds.

After receiving underrated services, many consumers would not return. Employees who communicate directly with clients, especially in the service sector, are the corporation’s face. It is necessary to look inward before evaluating the overall performance of the company. This can cause a loss of income.

Income loss

Disengaged workers are not actively involved in their job and deliberately push clients away, affecting business revenue and profits. While a company may endure a drop in consumer statistics for a while, it may be a disaster for start-ups and small to medium-sized companies.

Employees that have been dismissed represent missed income. When your business is losing sales, it’s imperative to study the dedication of your workforce.

Tarnish the company’s reputation

Disengaged employees can hurt the credibility of your business. They usually say negative things about the company. Worse still, they do it publicly. This might sound drastic, but disengaged employees have the potential to hurt and even lead to a collapse of businesses. Curbing the disengagement of workers is necessary for company sustainability.

Concentrating on employee participation and viewpoint, regardless of the corporation scale, is vital to creating a good market and corporate image. It is direly critical that your workers serve as marketing agents for your company, both at the workplace and off the job.

Frequent absenteeism and reduced turn up

Disengaged workers are inclined to feel burnt or stressed at work rather than inspired. If disengagement relates to real sick days or merely staff members opting not to turn up because they are not dedicated to their jobs, this would inevitably result in poor work performance.

In Summary

All the problems mentioned above have an actual effect on the bottom line of the company. Staff turnover and wasted time are noticeable losses. Disengaged employees waste money and also influence revenue and customer relations. You can’t afford to have dissatisfied staff members.

The problem is that these kinds of employees actively communicate with customers at the detriment of the organisation. Yeah, it’s upsetting, isn’t it? So we’ve got to spend more time learning what induces disengagement, what affects the company, and how to solve the problem if it is already there.

Gerald Ainomugisha

Gerald Ainomugisha

Gerald is a freelance writer with a pen that is keen for entrepreneurship, business and technology. When he isn't writing insightful articles on employee engagement and corporate culture, Gerald can be found writing for a number of media outlets.