Employee Engagement Resources Library Now Available

We’re continually adding new features to give even more value to our fantastic customers. Our latest update includes a library of culture and employee engagement resources, to help managers get more from their 6Q results.

Whilst our customers have been enjoying the insights and knowledge they are gaining from their 6Q surveys to their teams, we’re acutely aware that the next steps in any employee pulse survey is interpreting the results, and creating real actions where possible.

Whilst we regularly share insights and advice about employee engagement and company culture right here on our blog, we also realise that a resources library would allow managers quick access to the tools and knowledge they need to perform better at their work.

So today, we are pleased to announce that we have launched a method to better educate managers and team leaders in ways to utilize our insights; our comprehensive resources library.

This library contains descriptions, definitions and links to over 140 expert articles, categorised into 12 main categories, the same categories we use to sort our survey question library.

These categories are;

  • Communication;
  • Culture;
  • Customer service;
  • Environment;
  • Feedback;
  • General;
  • Happiness;
  • Individual;
  • Management;
  • Motivation;
  • Organisation, and;
  • Role.

A library with over 140 articles, written by Human Resources experts, to help you improve team morale and productivity.

Whilst we have many HR professionals using 6Q, we know that many team leaders and managers aren’t professionally trained in human resources. By providing this employee engagement resources amongst others in our library, we plan to help empower managers and leaders to get the information and inspiration they need to engage their teams better, and build more positivity and productivity into their corporate environment.

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Think of our resources library as your own curated library of helpful information, by your human resources assistant.


Employee engagement resources overview

Employee engagement resources overview

How do I access the resources?

All leaders have access to our new culture and employee engagement resources library from the My 6Q area. Simply log in with your credentials, and you will see a new menu item, ‘Resources’ in the main navigation.

The resources library is easily navigated, by visiting a topic of interest, and then you have the ability to navigate either from the main resources page, or by using the resources menu, on the right of all of the library pages.

How do I make a suggestion?

As always, we are keen for your input! If you know of a resource that we should include, or have some feedback about the library as it stands, we welcome you to get in touch with our friendly support team to start a conversation.

How can I share these resources?

You can send a link to anyone else in your organisation, and if they have leader access, they can log in and get to the same page. In the event, you wish to send it to your team, we recommend either saving the screen as a PDF, or cutting and pasting the relevant information into an email or text document.

Employee Engagement Resources

One of the screens in our new Employee Engagement Resources library.

What features are you working on next?

As mentioned in a previous post, we share our product road map with all our paying customers. If you haven’t yet been provided this link, please get in touch with us to rectify that.

In Summary

It is one thing to have greater insights into your team morale and to receive regular employee feedback, yet it is another to know how to action this feedback and data. By creating this employee engagement resources library, we trust that we will help empower your management team to learn and share the tips and tricks that work best for them with others in your organisation.

This library will continuously grow from here; check back often as we add more value and resources to your toolkit.


Lauren Clarke

Lauren Clarke

Lauren writes for 6Q and a number of other blogs from her home office in Australia. She spends her time writing, reading and changing US to International English on many articles that she edits.