Six Employee Feedback Articles Worth Reading

We’re huge fans of employee feedback. Our organisations are the total of our employees, so it makes sense to hear what they say. Here are six articles on the subject of employee feedback that we enjoyed, and hope you find them as useful too.

How to Really Listen to Your Employees over on Harvard Business Review is a great read. Our favorite line is “Don’t assume you know all of the answers — allow for the possibility that others have valuable information to share“.

Entrepreneur has a great article, titled 5 Steps to Getting Better Employee Feedback (Even If You Hate It). In it, our favorite quote is “Ask, ask and ask again. Offering a one-time invite does not count.” Sounds a lot like 6Q, doesn’t it?

Ask, ask and ask again. Offering a one-time invite does not count.

The article, Employee Feedback – Building a Positive Workplace Culture by Positive Change Consulting is worth a read. The benefit of feedback is stress reduction, according to “Building a workplace culture, where everyone is comfortable about receiving feedback about their performance, significantly reduces stress levels in manager-staff relationships.”

Bloomberg Business published an article, Performance Reviews: Why Bother? which states “The biggest problem with reviews, Daniels says, is that they happen too infrequently. Managers should address issues when they arise, not six or eight months later.” We couldn’t agree more.

Inspire and Reward Employee Feedback, an article on Time Magazine’s website, has a great message. Our favorite message is “Weekly reminders or quarterly surveys provide a predictable routine that ensures employee participation. Moreover, the constant, honest communication helps everyone feel more comfortable, and it helps build stronger working relationships.

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The Wall Street Journal has an article entitled Are You Happy at Work? Bosses Push Weekly Polls, where they state “Employers say short monthly, weekly or daily polls—sometimes a single question at a time—provide data on how their teams actually feel and catch problems before they fester.” Great idea!

Weekly reminders or quarterly surveys provide a predictable routine that ensures employee participation.

We trust you find the above articles of interest; good luck in building a great culture of employee feedback! (It’s worth checking out our weekly employee feedback system if you haven’t already :)).

Lauren Clarke

Lauren Clarke

Lauren writes for 6Q and a number of other blogs from her home office in Australia. She spends her time writing, reading and changing US to International English on many articles that she edits.