Develop Great Employee Motivation in 8 Simple Ways

We take you through eight simple methods you can use today, to develop great employee motivation amongst your team.

For managers, one of the most crucial responsibilities is to foster employee motivation. Our employees are the lifeblood of a company, and when they begin to falter, productivity slows. Without a vigilant, fundamental approach to motivation, we risk losing employees and growth potential.

Create a positive atmosphere

It cannot be understated that people are much more motivated when they are happy. Studies have shown over and over that employee motivation are intrinsically linked to good workplace morale. Without a positive, energetic and team-oriented atmosphere, a job or task can seem pointless and uninspiring.

“There are a number of ways to create a positive atmosphere,” writes Sara Mallory, an author at Researchpapersuk and LastMinuteWriting.“ You may think about the space itself – how your workspaces are laid out, for instance, can have a massive impact on team interaction.

Pictures, photos, even the colours you use to decorate the space can have a subtle effect on how your team approaches their work.”

Creating a positive atmosphere in your workplace is not always passive. You should commit yourself to identify negative elements and seek to combat those at their root cause. This includes both other employees and yourself.

Be transparent

When you have attained a management position there is a temptation to view yourself as apart from the rest of the team. We can be led to believe that because our employees may not have the same responsibilities as us, we must be on guard against letting too much go.

But it’s important to remember that if we don’t trust our employees, they will have no reason to trust us.

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By opening up about performance or productivity issues, we show in plain terms what is at stake for the business. Whether our company faces expansion or crisis, laying out a clear, honest vision of what the future holds foster greater understanding from our employees.

It is important, then, that managers should strive to remain as transparent as possible. In showing our employees that we trust them with the truth and about our motivations we offer the opportunity to reciprocate. Honest is an important part of team-building and effective communication.

Communicate effectively

One of the most powerful ways to build good employee engagement is to endorse excellent communication. Employees who feel unclear about what they have been asked to do, or feel unsure about the messages that have been relayed to them are more prone to demotivation.

Through well-thought-out, comprehensive and coherent communication, managers can ensure their employees are confident they understand tasks and messages.

A good manager understands that giving direction is about being concise, consistent and persistent. In order to communicate effectively, we must understand that plain language is most important and that what we say does not conflict with our other messages. Sometimes good communication requires patient reiteration to ensure the whole message is understood.

An effective communicator also knows that communication is not just about speaking, but about listening. We have no other effective way of understanding a listener’s comprehension without allowing them the opportunity to give feedback.

Act fairly

Among the biggest challenges a manager faces are the instances where we have to show our own judgment to overcome issues. It can be difficult, at times, to be confident that we know exactly what the right course of action is. But we should always understand that in striving to act fairly, we make a positive impact on employee motivation.

Not one of us can claim to have used our best judgment 100% of the time, and many of us learn only through the mistakes of our past. These mistakes can be difficult to work through, but should not hold us back from continuing to exercise our judgment. Though outcomes are not always favourable, employees who understand the intent will feel compelled to support you.


Many businesses across the globe are starting to understand that employee motivation is at its best when working towards a tangible goal. An employee who simply shows up collects the pay check and goes home is likely to be a demotivated employee.

Low motivation is often because of an absence of something to look forward to, but thankfully there are ways to combat this.

Incentives can take the form of financial rewards, such as bonuses or raises, but often people look for something other than money. It can be the opportunity to spend more time with their family through extra holiday ours, personalised gift cards. You may even like to give them the chance to gain more insight into the workings of the business.

great employee motivation

Image: Stock Snap

Recognise achievements

Most people are hard-wired to seek approval for the efforts in all walks of life. As we move through school, university and our careers, much of our endeavours are motivated by this desire. When it isn’t forthcoming, it is very easy to feel deflated.

If we consistently fail to get the recognition we feel we deserve, our motivation drops and as a result, so does our productivity.

“Failing to recognise the achievements of others sends a message that their efforts are in vain,” says Donald Edwards, a regular contributor to Draftbeyond and Writinity.” On the other hand, if we consistently place one employee on a pedestal, we can be accused of favoritism.

It’s important, then, to strike a good balance in recognising all achievements, regardless of size. Recognition doesn’t need to consist only of grand gestures – a simple thank you can go a long way.”

Build teams

Good employee motivation is founded on having a team orientated workplace. We are at our most efficient when working alongside one another, and a supportive team can boost confidence. Working towards a common cause fosters not only a good working atmosphere but highly motivated individuals.

In a healthy workplace, we value the opinion of our peers. Often employees can lack the confidence to speak out if they feel isolated, and any potentially beneficial ideas can end up being squandered. However, when working as part of a team, we want to impress our colleagues and will feel more motivated to contribute our thoughts.

Activate potential

Employees trust a manager that they know is prepared to bring their team up with them. Showing that you want your employees to progress and grow their potential is a great way of cultivating excellent employee motivation.

Not only recognising but building on potential skills can transform not just the individual, but motivate and inspire the team as a whole.

Through your personal interactions, you can identify hidden talents that may have been undetected up until now. If you can tap into these, utilise them, and help your employees to build on them, you’ll foster a devoted team who’ll strive to do their best for you in return.

A manager is not just a taskmaster, but also a facilitator. By giving an employee the freedom to activate their potential, we show them a world of opportunity laid out before them that they might otherwise have been unaware of.

In Summary

Employee motivation should be approached on multiple levels. We should seek to create strong, positive teams to boost our employees.

As managers, we should not only be clear and coherent but actively engage in our employee’s future, as well as show appreciation for their current endeavours.


About the Author

Clara Watkins is an experienced freelance writer at Lucky Assignments and Gum Essays. She has a diverse range of work and specialises in travel blogging and lifestyle tips.

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