Introducing Multilingual Employee Surveys

We’re pleased to be kicking off the new year with a new feature: multilingual employee surveys. Find out what this means, and how to best utilise your local language when sending your next poll.

Ever since our launch, we’ve been mindful that many organisations signing up have been from non-English speaking countries. We’ve had our multilingual employee surveys feature in planning for a while, and are pleased to announce it is now here. Regardless if your native language is Cantonese, Arabic or Tamil, our system will now handle over 100 languages, in our effort to encourage engaging employees across the world.

In our office alone, we have employees who can speak Indonesian, French, Mandarin, Malaysian, Thai & Arabic. We want to encourage speakers of many languages to improve their work places, so it makes sense to allow multilingual employee surveys within 6Q.

To celebrate this feature roll out, we have added two new languages to our standard question library. These languages, Bahasa Indonesia and Hindi, are now accessible to all customers under the ‘My Questions’ tab.

Of course, our efforts do not stop there; we’re watching what languages are being used in custom questions, and when enough demand from customers for a particular language comes in, we’ll happily look at organising translation of our entire question set.

How do I use a Non-English language?

At this stage, we have populated our question library with three language choices; English, Hindi and Bahasa Indonesia. You can use any language supported, of course, these are just the languages we have had translated at this stage (more to come).

To choose another language, simply choose your language from the new drop down box within your My Questions > Add Question screen.


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Select Language screen

Select Language screen


Once you have selected the correct language, simply choose the category and question to be sent, as you did previously, as shown below.

Multilingual employee surveys

Choosing a Question

To add a custom question using your local language, simply go to the ‘Add Custom Question’ screen, and enter the question directly, as shown in the screen below. If the language characters look OK here, that means that our system supports your language.


Adding a custom question in Hindi multilingual employee surveys

Adding a custom question in Hindi


Once all of your employee survey questions have been added, and the survey goes out, the questions will display in your chosen language within the poll, as shown below.

Multilingual employee surveys in Hindi

Employee Survey in Hindi

What languages are currently supported?

We are now truly multilingual employee surveys, with over 100 written languages, including;

  • Afrikaans
  • Arabic
  • Bengali
  • Cantonese
  • Catalan
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hindi
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Malay
  • Mandarin
  • Nepali
  • Persian
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Thai

So, if you want to create a Japanese employee survey (従業員の調査), we can now support this. French survey? Sondage auprès des employés! If you are unsure if your language is supported, we recommend your first step is to try adding the language via the My Questions screen. If you run into difficulty, please let our support team know.

How I can I have my local language in the Question Library?

If you are a paid customer, and wish to organise a translation of our question library, to add to our multilingual employee surveys, please let us know.

In Summary

Kami berasa senang dengan fitur terbaru ini (we are pleased with this new feature), and look forward to welcoming more international customers on-board with our multilingual employee surveys.

We are continuing to build new important features, according to customer requests and our product road map, and need your help. Do you have a suggestion that you believe will make 6Q even more useful for your organisation? We encourage you to reach out and let us know at any time!


Miles Burke

Miles Burke

Miles is the founder of 6Q. He is passionate about peer-to-peer recognition, company culture, employee engagement and wants every workplace to be the happiest it can be. Miles is also MD of Bam Creative, an author and public speaker.