Effective Methods to Improve the Employee Experience

In the current human resource climate, it can be hard to attract new talent or retain the one you already have on your books. This is because top-rated talent doesn’t settle for the barest of minimums when it comes to perks. You, therefore, need to improve the employee experience.

Employees are no longer settling for just health insurance, paid time off and a smattering of perks. They need to feel at home in your organisation, enjoy being in the workplace and have plenty of benefits as well as an inclusive and immersive corporate culture.

You, therefore, need to come up with ways to ensure that your staff has an excellent employee experience. This entails the cumulative sum of the benefits, the layout of the workplace, the corporate culture and the tools that you provide for the employees to accomplish their tasks.

With this experience in place, you can be assured of a high employee retention rate as well as high productivity. Here’s how you can accomplish this.

How can you improve the employee experience?

As stated earlier, businesses need to go all out in a bid to ensure that they can attract top talent. Additionally, they need to keep a hold of the staff they already have because competitors might be looking to poach the prime talent in your organisation.

This is how you can ensure that your staff has a good employee experience that will have them commit to your business and not seek employment elsewhere.

Employee journey mapping

Before you can implement anything that will improve the employee experience in your company, you need to know how your staff interact with every aspect of your business. This can be done by undertaking an employee journey mapping.

An employee journey map is a way that you can see all the ways your staff interacts with your company from the time they are on boarded, come in daily all through to the day they leave the organisation.

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By analysing this journey map, you can identify touch points that you can tweak to ensure that your employees have the best experience when working for you. From here on out, you can then refine the experience as requirements change with the times.

Create an instructive and enjoyable orientation program

Some employees have a bad experience with a company because they don’t know what to do in those first few days or where to go for certain activities. This is because they had a bad on boarding experience. In some instances, this on-boarding program was nonexistent.

For your new employee to be familiar with all physical aspects of the workplace as well as the extent of their role, you need to conduct an orientation program. Introduce the newcomer to their new colleagues, take them around the premises and all that they need to know.

With an instructive and enjoyable orientation program, your new hire will acclimatise quickly and slot in perfectly with the rest of the team. This is sure to improve productivity even at an early stage.

Invest in the growth and development of your employees

Many workers think about their careers and want them to advance. If your company doesn’t offer on-job education and career advancement programs, you might have trouble brewing. And not in the form of a mutiny but rather in a high turnover rate.

Your employees will see your company as just another posting to include on their résumés before joining another business entity.

You should, therefore, institute programs that offer opportunities for your employees to advance their careers under your roof. This gives them a great employee experience that will make them more productive in a bid to build their careers.

Improve the employee experience

Image: Pexels

Take your employees’ wellness seriously

A vast majority of employers offer their staff health insurance and that’s it. Prospective and current employees need more than that to commit to your company. You need to offer all-round health benefits to ensure an excellent employee experience.

This means that you need to take care of their physical, mental and spiritual as well as emotional wellness. It’s, therefore, prudent to invest in an on-site gym or provide gym memberships for your employees.

You can also have an in-house psychologist that can attend to employees any time throughout the day, lifting up their confidence and getting them to work with more zeal.

Employees’ health can also be boosted when the company provides healthy meals and snacks. Don’t forget to provide sufficient parental leave, sick leave and paid time off.

This might seem like too much time spent away from work but it’s worth it. Employees return when they’re refreshed and have nothing worry about except throwing themselves into work.

Evaluate compensation regularly

At the end of it all, your employees want to be paid a fair wage depending on their qualifications, experience and workload.

To ensure that your staff enjoys a good employee experience, you need to constantly evaluate your level of compensation and adjust it accordingly. Stay abreast of the fluid changes in remuneration across your industry.

If your competitors and other players in your niche are providing higher and more competitive pay packages, they might draw the attention of your current employees. Prospective talent might also opt for more competitive wages.

You should, therefore, pay your employees what they are worth in the prevailing business climate. It also goes without saying that remuneration shouldn’t be based on gender but rather on qualification for a role.

In Summary

Employee experience is vital to the success of your business. When your staff is well looked after and provided for, they are more invested in the business – making them more productive to ensure that the company succeeds.

In this article, we have covered a handful of ways that you improve the employee experience at your place of business. From mapping their journey to providing an on-boarding experience, investing in their career development all the way to making sure their wellness is catered for and their compensation is up to par with the rest of the industry.

Gerald Ainomugisha

Gerald Ainomugisha

Gerald is a freelance writer with a pen that is keen for entrepreneurship, business and technology. When he isn't writing insightful articles on employee engagement and corporate culture, Gerald can be found writing for a number of media outlets.