New Features: Overhauled Dashboard, Extended Trends and High Five Leaderboard

Our product development team have been very busy this month. On the back of other recent features, we have launched a new dashboard design, added new trends options and launched our High Five leaderboard.

As the old saying goes, “When you are on a roll…”. Only recently, we launched our peer to peer recognition feature, High Fives and today, we are excited to come bearing gifts of three more features.

We discuss what these are, and how they will enhance your employee pulse check survey experience, below.

Extended Trends

Previously, we have only had six weeks worth of data being displayed. We have now enhanced your insights by adding two more options, now allowing you to see trends for the previous 6 polls, 12 polls or even 18 polls.

We find trends very useful for mapping out the effects of ongoing training, changes in employee situations and more. Our new additions will allow you to plot team sentiment over a longer period.

High Five leaderboard

Similar to our tokens leaderboard, our new High Fives leaderboard shows the top 6 employees to receive our peer to peer recognition items, High Fives. This means you can see which employees are being congratulated the most over a longer period of time.

This will enhance your own recognition systems, by allowing managers to make a point of thanking those with consistently high numbers of High Fives. Given these are anonymous, these are even more coveted; this prevents employees from using the feature to thank each other for previous High Fives by returning the favour.

New leaders dashboard

The rollout of new features means that we wanted to create new information panels to the leaders dashboard within the My 6Q system.

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The new dashboard design allows for a better user experience through the addition of further visual cues to segment your information. We trust you like the new look.

In Summary

The roll out of these new features reaffirms that we are continuing to develop and publish more helpful features to 6Q, to make the product even more valuable to our customers, and to fulfill our mission of creating happier, more productive teams.

As always, we are keen for your feedback on these or any other employee pulse check survey features you wish to see. Contact our support team and please share your thoughts!

Miles Burke

Miles Burke

Miles is the founder of 6Q. He is passionate about peer-to-peer recognition, company culture, employee engagement and wants every workplace to be the happiest it can be. Miles is also MD of Bam Creative, an author and public speaker.