How Great Managers Can Help Reduce Stress in the Workplace

All of us need to learn how to cope with stress and learn how to reduce stress in the workplace. In this article, not only will we be considering the different cause of stress, we will also help you and your managers on how they can help reduce stress in the workplace and support your employees.

As a great manager, you can reduce stress in the workplace by creating a healthy workplace environment. A healthy workplace environment is ideal when it comes to maintaining a positive outcome in a stressful atmosphere. As mentioned in one of our previous post Creating a Healthy Workplace Environment, a healthy workplace environment is good for your company as it could lead to bringing sales for the business.

Common Sources of Work Stress

In an article from The American Institute of Stress, 46% of the main cause of stress is the workload of an employee, with people issues at 28%, followed by juggling work and personal lives and job security at 6%. Remember that excessive stress can interfere with your employees’ productivity and performance and can also impact their physical and emotional health. This will then eventually affect relationships among colleagues and home life too.

Besides the statistics listed above, there are other factors that coincide with workplace-related stress. They are;

  • low salaries,
  • excessive workloads,
  • poor peer support,
  • limited prospects for growth or advancement and;
  • the task at work that is not engaging or challenging.

From the same article, 80% of workers feel stress on the job and nearly half say they need help in learning how to manage stress. A good manager is aware of situations, as such, that occurred in the office.

However, a great manager takes the initiative to help their team members by finding out how they can reduce stress in the workplace. To assist you in being a great manager who finds ways to reduce stress in the workplace, we have listed a few ideas that you can cultivate with your fellow colleagues.

80% of workers feel stress on the job and nearly half say they need help in learning how to manage stress.
– The American Institute of Stress

Simple Ways to Reduce Stress in the Workplace

A great manager is one who not only is aware of the problem, but they also find ways fix it. In order to reduce stress in the workplace and making it more conducive, here are some ways that can help reduce stress in the workplace.

Improve your employee engagement

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Set clear (or clearer!) goals for your team members

It is about time for you as a manager, to set clear goals for your team members. By setting clearer goals, your team members do not have to think long and hard about what their initial task was supposed to be. It gets them going and focus on the important task at hand, instead of doing it their way, which could lead them on the wrong track.

This would also mean valuable time lost and they having to redo it again or you would have to do it for them. This gives your team members a peace of mind because they know what they need to focus on and why.

Encourage mindfulness in your team

The idea of mindfulness or meditation in the office is becoming more and more common. We wrote an article a while back on how meditation can make you a better leader. We encourage you to read this, and share it with your team, no matter what their role.

Offer a flexible work environment

Nowadays, everyone is looking for that flexibility at work. Allow your team members flexibility by not monitoring them often, so long as their work is completed by specific deadlines. Remember that salary is not everything.

Allow that team member who has children by letting them come into the office early and leave early to pick their children up. Or allow working from home once a fortnight so team members can have a change of environment once a while. As a great manager, you will always need to look for ways to reduce stress in the workplace.

Encourage employees to move their bodies

The mind needs that break occasionally. In order to reduce stress in the workplace, encourage your team members to take time from their day to exercise at the gym, take a walking lunch or meeting or try a yoga class. The mind and body will have greater focus and clarity of thought. Physical activity such as yoga and running is also a good way for staff to learn how to pace themselves at work.

You can also set some quick 5-minute reminders for your team members after every 2 hours of constant staring at the computer. Get them off their chair and on their feet to stretch their body and rest their eyes by looking out of the window.

Workplace recognition

Another way to reduce stress in the workplace is by encouraging workplace recognition. In our past article, 7 Awesome Methods for Employee Recognition, we mentioned that employees who feel they have a positive personal rapport with their management are more likely to be engaged, and they would feel appreciated when they or their work gets noticed.

Great companies know that the employees are the heart of the business. However, a great manager should recognise the effort of their team members and appreciate what they have done for the company. So, you can either have a short chat with them and tell them what a great job they have been doing, or make a small announcement about it during your weekly meetings in front of their colleagues.

In Summary

As a great manager, you need to reassure your team members that you are aware of their stress level and share with them on how to reduce stress in the workplace. Remember that employees don’t have to sacrifice their health or happiness over things happening at work.

Here is a quick recap on the simple ways to reduce stress in the workplace:

  • Set clear goals for your employees
  • Encourage mindfulness with your team
  • Offer a flexible work environment
  • Encourage employees to move their bodies
  • Workplace recognition

These simple steps can help you reduce stress in the workplace and it not only will improve their lives but you will create loyal team members who enjoy coming to work each day. Be a great manager by leading by example to create a less stressful workplace for everyone, even yourself.

Lauren Clarke

Lauren Clarke

Lauren writes for 6Q and a number of other blogs from her home office in Australia. She spends her time writing, reading and changing US to International English on many articles that she edits.