Six Corporate Culture Tips from Start-up Founders Creating Them

We invited the founders of six great start-ups in the USA, Canada, Australia and Denmark to discuss what they are doing to create positive company cultures within their teams. These are their quotes about corporate culture.

We are pleased to have these six talented start-up founders speak about their ideas around company culture, and share their favourite corporate culture tips. Each of these people bring their own perspective to the topic, let’s see what they had to say.

You must sincerely care for not only the success of your company, but for your team as well
– Kenneth Svenningsen

Kenneth Svenningsen, Shipbeat

Kenneth is the CEO of Shipbeat, a Copenhagen based start-up that is changing the way e-commerce shipping is done. Shipbeat is designed to automate shipping and improve shopping for your customers.

What’s one tip about company culture you can share?

A company’s culture is not something you simply create. It evolves and getting the right people on the team is the foundation for it.

What do you do personally to create a better culture?

I believe that purpose, autonomy and mastery are the key drivers for personal motivation, but they can only exist sustainably if you have a culture for it. So I personally strive to put that into action daily. Finally you must sincerely care for not only the success of your company, but for your team as well.

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Do you have any other thoughts on how start-ups can create a great culture?

You must first select a mission worth pursuing and gather the best people alongside you to go for it.

corporate culture tips

Image: Dennis Skley, Flickr

Mike Murchison, Volley

Mike is the CEO of Volley, a Toronto-based start up who are on a mission to help people help each other, to connect all of the world through the shared, human need for help and understanding.

What’s one corporate culture tip you can share?

A powerful culture is the sum of your team members’ authentic selves.

What do you do personally to create a better culture?

We run Start Stop Continue sessions every Friday where we openly share honest feedback with each other.

Do you have any other thoughts on how start-ups can create a great culture?

Cultures aren’t fixed; they need to be viewed as evolving. Each new team member should *change* the culture is some meaningful way, hopefully for the better.

A powerful culture is the sum of your team members’ authentic selves.
– Mike Murchison

Mike Seidle, Work Here

Mike is the co-founder of Work Here, a newly launched start-up who are creating an innovative recruiting system for the mobile generation.

What’s one tip about company culture you can share?

Getting Things Done, without the ego.

What do you do personally to create a better culture?

Get things done. Go home. Do it again tomorrow.

Do you have any other thoughts on how start-ups can create a great culture?

Be iterative. Get to done. Then get to better.

Get things done. Go home. Do it again tomorrow.
– Mike Seidle

Justin Davies, Prezentt

Justin is the CEO of Australian start-up Prezentt, who offer a new take on presentations by sharing slides in real time, tracking audience questions and leveraging social media.

What’s one corporate culture tip you can share?

Keep focussed on the problems you solve for customers – and communicate internally and externally lots!

What do you do personally to create a better culture?

Be prepared to listen to team members ideas when they are different to mine – and being prepared to change my point of view.

Do you have any other thoughts on how start-ups can create a great culture?

Keep staff talking with customers…

Keep focussed on the problems you solve for customers
– Justin Davies

Daniël W. Crompton, Oplerno

Daniël is the Director of Technology at Oplerno, an online global educational institution dedicated to transforming higher education.

What’s one tip about company culture you can share?

Hire a diverse group of people.

What do you do personally to create a better culture?

We hire a diverse group of people.

Startup culture tips

Image: Heisenberg Media, Flickr

Sean Goodwin, FitAura

Sean is the founder of FitAura, a pre-launch stage start-up, based in Los Angeles. FitAura is democratising fitness so everyone can have a Healthy, Body, Mind & Spirit.

What’s one tip about company culture you can share?
Focus on helping others.

What do you do personally to create a better culture?
Help others, volunteer coach, help build an orphanage, bring food to needy.

Do you have any other thoughts on how start-ups can create a great culture?

Communicating freely with empathy and move outside of your comfort zone.

Focus on helping others.
– Sean Goodwin

In Summary

These six founders have some great advice; work on better communication, ensure you have diversity, focus on the problems your customers have, remove the ego, focus on helping others and above all, have a mission that is clarified and communicated.

Thank you to our interview subjects for your corporate culture tips; Mike, Justin, Daniël, Kenneth, Sean and Mike for your valuable input.

Miles Burke

Miles Burke

Miles is the founder of 6Q. He is passionate about peer-to-peer recognition, company culture, employee engagement and wants every workplace to be the happiest it can be. Miles is also MD of Bam Creative, an author and public speaker.