Announcing Slack Integration, Question Flexibility and More

Our customers across the globe rely on 6Q to manage their employee pulse surveys from start to finish. We acknowledge the trust you put in our employee pulse survey software, and we’re constantly working on new features to make sure that you have the tools needed to make surveying your employees as effective and pain-free as possible.

We know that every customer enjoys the features that 6Q includes, however at times, they wish for new functionality. We’ve listened to you, and have three new features to announce today.

New employee pulse survey software features

We have three new features to announce in this latest round of updates, being;

  • Flexible question limits
  • Integration with Slack
  • Contextual help

Let’s go through each of these features, and explain more.

Flexible question limits

Originally we were limited to six questions (hence the name, 6Q), however we’re excited to say that we now allow between 1-10 questions in each of your employee surveys.

The next time you log in to My 6Q, and visit the My Polls area, you’ll see that you can now add and subtract as many library or custom questions as you like, the minimum being one solo question, and maximum of ten questions.


Flexible question limits

Flexible question limits

This, along with the five concurrent surveys means that you have greater flexibility than ever. Need to ask a handful of questions from your entire team, and want to dig down to ten very specific questions for a sub set of employees at the same time? Now you can!

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There is nothing you need to action to take advantage of this; simply add more questions as you require. Existing surveys will not be affected in any way unless you change them yourself.

Slack integration

It seems like the majority of our customers (as well as ourselves) are using the fantastic team messaging system, Slack, to communicate within their organisation, or between certain individuals or teams. We’re proud to say we have now rolled out our Slack integration to all customers, after it being in our feature requests for a while.


6Q Slack integration

6Q Slack integration

There are a few quick steps you need the administrator of your Slack team to complete. The instructions for this are located in our support area. Existing surveys will not be affected in any way unless you change them yourself.

Contextual support

To help answer your questions as you navigate through 6Q, we now have in-line support knowledge base only a click away. Powered by Helpscout Beacon, this means you can get answers to your question without leaving the screen that you are on.

Simply click the floating icon on the bottom right corner of any screen, to be shown contextual support answers to frequently asked questions about our employee pulse survey software.

This also allows you to send our friendly support team a question, should the knowledge base not answer your query. Remember we regularly add questions and answers in our support area, and we encourage all customers to frequently use it.


6Q In-app Support

6Q In-app Support

In Summary

As you can see we’ve been very busy behind the scenes at 6Q to create employee pulse survey software that features the most valued tools to help you get better team insights, and collect valuable employee feedback.

Our new Slack integration, flexibility in the questions you may ask your employees in your pulse surveys, and the new contextual help features, are now live for all our customers to enjoy.

Lauren Clarke

Lauren Clarke

Lauren writes for 6Q and a number of other blogs from her home office in Australia. She spends her time writing, reading and changing US to International English on many articles that she edits.