Insights into Adobe’s Award Winning Company Culture

Culture is defined as “the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society”. Corporate culture centers around a set of values and beliefs in a workplace environment.

Corporate culture is the backbone of any successful company. In 2016, computer software company, Adobe, was recognised in Fortune Magazine’s ‘100 Best Companies to Work For’, for the 16th time.

Founded by John Warnock and Charles Geschke, computer scientists from Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Adobe Systems Inc. started in a small office in Silicon Valley, 1983. Stemming from research related to computer graphics systems and printing, the pair went on to revolutionise multimedia software, changing visual communication forever.

Since Adobe’s establishment, their worldwide revenue has grown to over $4 billion and has employed over 12,000 people. Spread across 24 different campus’ in 17 different countries, 93% of Adobe employees love their workplace.

Adobe is renowned for offering staff huge company perks. Onsite yoga and cafes, as well as paid family vacations and health care make up a huge facet of Adobe’s company culture, but it’s their four core company values that have lead Adobe to greatness.

Let’s take a look at Adobe’s award winning company culture through their four core values.


“We’re sincere, trustworthy and reliable”

Adobe are sincere about the products they create and the staff they support. Adobe takes time to listen and care for their staff aiming to be ethical in all that they do.

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Integrity is at the heart of Adobe and they take great pride in their commitment to sincerity and honesty. A strict code of ethics is upheld by senior officers which ensures full, fair and accurate disclosure of information; as well as ample opportunity for staff to question and report possible violations of these policies.

Though such a large multi-national company, Adobe has created a sincere and reliable level of care for the people who work for them. Holiday pay, medical insurance, retirement plans and education reimbursement are all part of employment within Adobe. Culture such as Adobe specific sporting teams, onsite organic cafes and healthy living allowances allows Adobe to continually recognise the contribution of their staff.

The Adobe Life blog exemplifies this, showcasing remarkable staff feats in their field and the community while providing a humanising platform where employees can connect and receive company news.


“We are committed to creating exceptional experiences that delight our employees and staff”

Adobe was founded on excellence. Since their development, Adobe have been leaders in the field of digital media and content, creating industry standard programs from day one.

Adobe Research is a manifestation of Adobe’s motivation to being Exceptional. The program works with some of the world’s best researchers and top University students to develop ideas and investigations that are at the forefront of computer science.

As well as Adobe Research, Adobe encourages staff potential through constant learning opportunities. Including education re-imbursement, mentorship opportunities, on-demand online courses and leadership development programs. Accessible training allows staff to continue to reach their full potential and achieve excellence in their field.

Adobe takes time to make sure their brand is always exceptional, fostering a corporate culture that inspires employees and researchers to strive for excellence.


“We are highly creative and strive to connect new ideas with business realties”

Adobe provides staff with endless opportunities to be innovative. They empower their staff to explore new ideas and provide permission to fail. Through the creation of their award-winning Kickbox program Adobe invests in their employee’s potential.

Adobe gives any staff member who requests it, a red cardboard box filled with stationary, snacks and $1,000 pre-paid credit card to explore their idea, no questions asked. The man behind the project, Vice President of Creativity, Mark Randall, describes the initiative as an investment in his people. Around 1,000 employees have taken on the challenge and 23 ideas have already been granted further investment.

The Kickstart box exemplifies Adobe’s core value of Innovation, providing opportunity for company development by fostering staff’s creative potential.


“We are inclusive, open and actively engaged with our customers, partners, employees and the communities we serve”

Adobe are renowned for their philanthropy and actively encourage company involvement within the community. Matching employee time and donations to eligible charities and schools as well as contributing products and services to over 15,000 nonprofit organisations around the world.

Adobe provides scholarships and internships to students all over the globe, investing in the next generation of creatives through programs such as Project 1324 and the Youth Coding Initiative.

Furthermore Adobe promotes inclusivity in everything they do, celebrating a diverse collective of employees. By actively sponsoring and recruiting within underrepresented minority communities Adobe notes that diversity of ideas, background and perspectives are one of their most valuable assets.

Adobe’s corporate culture encourages staff and community involvement with world issues through leading by example and a strong sense of corporate responsibility.

“People are our greatest asset”

In Summary

The corporate culture of Adobe is multi-award winning. Beyond generous employee incentives, Adobe invests in their staff and the community with a great sense of corporate responsibility.

Defining core company values allows businesses to remember what’s important. Having a positive and hardworking company culture separates the average from the brilliant.

To find out more about the benefits of a great company culture read our article on  the powerful signs of positive company culture.


About Monique Tilt

Monique Tilt is a Creative Advertising and Graphic Design student, with a second major in Advertising under Commerce; a complicated degree she’s studying at Curtin University.

In the long run, Monique aims to be a Creative Director, specifically focusing on graphic design and the new possibilities in digital marketing and web advertising.

Lauren Clarke

Lauren Clarke

Lauren writes for 6Q and a number of other blogs from her home office in Australia. She spends her time writing, reading and changing US to International English on many articles that she edits.