Quick Ways to Make your Employees Happy at Work Today

There will be times where we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. It is not that your employees hate their job, it is just we all have our bad days.

There are also times when the environment at the workplace can get a little stressful with the workload or rushing a dateline of a certain project.With all that is happening at work, none of your employees are going to be happy or put a smile on their faces and this could bring down the morale of the team.

In this article, we have penned down some of the best ways to make your employees happy at work.

Give a Work Compliment

A quick way to make your employees happy at work is by giving them a sincere compliment about a recent task that they accomplished. A lot of us tend to take things for granted. So perhaps it is time that you give an employee a sincere compliment today. It can mean greatly if it is for he or she been putting in a lot of time and effort in.

It is very inexpensive to give a compliment.


Hold the Door

While it may be a simple action, however holding the door open for your colleagues or employees would mean something; especially if it is done by their bosses or managers. It does not take much of an effort but it can put a smile on someone’s face.

When you hold the door for your employees, they have a sense of belonging, in a way that they are important to you.

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Feed Them

They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. So why not feed your employees with one of your best baked cookies or muffins?

Who does not like free goodies; especially of it is coming from management. This is definitely a quick way to make your employees happy at work.

Share your Skills

A quick way to make your employees happy at work is by sharing a skill that you have just learnt over the weekend, such as photography tips or baking.

By sharing what you have learnt over the weekend or during after-hours courses makes your employees realised that you are not selfish with your knowledge.

Sharing information with employees makes them feel invested.

Glen Mazzara – 

Express your Gratitude

Good employees thrive at work when they know their contributions have meaning. Expressing your gratitude to your employees the ways in which their work matters to you, the company or even to their fellow colleagues, helps keep your employees engaged and excited about their work. So do not forget to thank your employees, even if it was for something simple.

Read our post on some of the ways to say thank you to your employees.

Give Encouragement

Projects and task at work may be overwhelming and stressful at times. So encourage your employees who are in a negative situation at the moment.

When they received these words of encouragement from management, they will realise that management is aware of their situation and are supporting them.

Share Something Funny

Found a joke or a meme online? Make someone (or everyone!) laugh or put a smile on their face by sharing the joke. This can make the start of their work day a little happier.

Do make sure that the joke is not offensive to anyone at the workplace. You can also share one of your favourite YouTube clips from a stand-up show you love if you are out of jokes and good stories at the moment.

Buy Some Flowers

Besides the obvious fact that flowers are beautiful and smell amazing, they can also make you feel happier and more energetic simply by looking at them. Flowers also encourage creativity and brighten up a plain desk. So why not make a special employee happy by sending a bouquet of flowers with a thank you note attached to it.


A quick way to make your employees happy at work is by smiling. No one likes a frown or someone who is grumpy all the time. An employer who frequently smiles depicts that they are approachable and friendly. Smiling makes you feel happier.

So, it is time to get rid of that grumpy face and put on a smile, and you might just find yourself feeling a little bit better about it.

We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.

– Mother Teresa – 

Communal Lunch

It is time to gather the time up and have communal lunch. Have one day of the week where everyone brings a dish and share them with colleagues during lunch. This way, everyone gets to taste a different cuisine from a different culture.

Nobody likes to have lunch on their own, so why not eat together, and get to know each other in the process.

Play that Music

They say music tames the savage beast; not that you would have any of them at the workplace Music can seriously improve your mood (and productivity) when your team is having a bad day.

So pull together some of your favourite songs and use the beats to keep you going through the day. If it is a Friday afternoon, time to start playing tunes, counting down to the weekends.

Music is the social act of communication among people, a gesture of friendship, the strongest there is.

– Malcolm Arnold – 

Celebrate Personal Wins

When one of your employees have just achieved something personal such as getting a new car or welcoming a new member of the family, announce it to the rest of the team and celebrate with a Friday Happy Hour or fun outing. Try and appreciate your employees for what they have done as a personal achievement instead of the things they do for you.

You could decorate their cubicle with balloons and cards when they achieve a personal win, like completing a marathon, winning a tournament, buying a new home or graduating from a class.

Bring the Positivity

Another final and quick way to make your employees happy at work If you bring positivity and an open, happy and good energy into a conversation.

That tends to spread and the two of you or more will have happier lunch break, evening down at the pub or coffee date in the crisp autumn sunshine.

In Summary

There are plenty of other quick ways to make your employees happy at work today. When you focus more attention on engaging employees and making their day better, it will results in high productivity, better retention rates and improvements in team morale at the workplace.

With the ways mentioned, it is now your turn to take these simple and quick ways and put them into practice at your office.

Good luck trying them out at your workplace.

Heryati R

Heryati R

Heryati is a member of the customer success team at 6Q, and is based in Perth, Western Australia. Heryati enjoys writing, reading and live music. She believes 6Q is awesome for employee engagement surveys.