Why the Human Resource Department is Important

The role of human resource department has gone from the traditional ‘hire and fire’ to an in-depth position, focusing on another aspect of the company like looking after employee engagement.

Not every company understands or values their human resource department. Human resources professionals are the lifeblood of the company, because their job is to ensure that the business gets the most out of its employees. In other words, the human resource department needs to provide a high return on the business’s investment in its people.

In this article, we list some of the reasons why the human resource department is important for any and every company.

Recruitment processes

One reason why the human resource department is important is because they look after the recruitment needs of the company. Employee recruitment, which includes interviewing and selecting new hires, is typically the responsibility of the human resources department.

This also includes determining when recruitment is necessary in each department as well as if the hire is a benefit to the company. When hiring new employees, it is not merely looking at the candidates’ resume, the human resource department also has to interview them and make sure that the potential candidates are able to fit with the company’s culture. Then they need to register them in their ATS (Applicant tracking system) and the like.

Here is a guide on how you can hire employees for cultural fit.

New hire on-boarding

Besides the recruitment process of seeking potential candidates, the job of the human resource department does not stop there. They also look after the newly hired employees and plan and schedule induction processes for them.

A great induction or on-boarding experience helps settle your new employee in and avoid issues at the workplace in the future.

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Remember that a great induction process may be tedious to plan but when it is carefully laid out, it helps the company in the long run as the new employee manages to settle into their own workflow easier and even faster.

We have written an article on ways to improve your employee induction process, which goes into depth on this topic.

Keep employees grounded

The human resource department does not sit around after hiring and getting the new employees settled into their roles and duties.

They are constantly working to improve the quality of work life by creating and implementing programs and policies such as personal and annual leave, daycare services and other various incentive opportunities.

Their job is to ensure that the employees are not finding it hard to come to work just because their regular babysitter is sick or it is the school holidays and no one is available to look after their children.

Even though it is the employees’ family issues, when employees are given options and choices, they would find coming to work with ease; especially when they know their employers are concern about them as an individual.

“When people go to work, they shouldn’t have to leave their hearts at home.”

– Betty Bender

Employee management

Another reason why the human resource department is important is because they are the ones that keep employees grounded by maintaining employee satisfaction, employment engagement and even maintaining workplace atmosphere. You can find out the simple and effective employee engagement ideas that would help your company in getting your employees engaged.

As mentioned earlier, the human resource department looks after employee benefits and incentives. Employee benefits include offering and processing application and claim forms.

Let’s not forget updating employees with new information or programs made available to them; regardless if it is information from internal or non-related to the company. The human resources department is also around to help answer to employee’s inquires they might have about her benefits or incentives.

The ‘middle man’

When there is an issue that requires attention, who would you go to? Obviously the human resource department! At times, they act as the ‘middle man’ between management and employees or even among employee themselves.

They are resolve conflict (possibly quickly!) and manage disputes that occur within the workplace.

“Human resources isn’t a thing we do. It’s the thing that runs our business.”

– Steve Wynn

Training and development

Training and development is one of the ways to improve the company’s employee engagement. Continuing the education of established employees and constantly upgrading their skills and knowledge is the responsibility of the human resources department.

Ongoing employee training is vital for a company to maintain its level of professionalism and skill.

The department normally finds or creates different types of training and classes, such as first aid courses or software classes to ensure that their employees are properly educated. Employees and even management needs a refresher course once in a while.

The human resource department works in collaboration with other departments to achieve the goals and maintain the standards of the company and its value.


As most of us are already aware of this, the human resource department looks after the employees’ database, which includes all of the information the company needs on any and every employee. Personal and confidential information such as employee’s contract, job responsibilities, discipline records and performance assessments are all being looked after by the human resource department.

This is one reason why the human resource department is important as employees’ information is readily available as and when it is needed.

Legal compliance

Legal compliance refers to the various labour laws, which is the responsibility of the human resource department. This comprises of informing (or reminding!) all employees about the union and state laws on information like break time, lunches, overtime, minimum wage and even all sorts of discrimination.

The human resource department keeps the company in tune with any changes to the business’ and government legislative and ruling if necessary.

Public relations

Building public relations is a part of establishing a company as a contender in its field.

The human resources department plays an active role in building public relations by arranging business meetings, seminars, and official gatherings to assist in establishing the company with other businesses and the target market.

Corporate image

Another reason why the human resource department is important is because they look after the corporate image of the company. They are responsible of making sure all the employees are aware of the company values and maintaining them as well.

The human resources department protects the interest, image and success of the company in every way possible by complying with various laws, executing administrative processes, and creating policies in the most cost-efficient manner.

“If you want to build business, build the people.”

– Brownie Wise

In Summary

The company’s human resource department is responsible for creating, implementing and overseeing policies between employees and the management team of the company. The role of the human resource department in a company affects all aspects of the business because human resource supports employees and employees are your most important resource.

So now that you understand the importance of the human resource department even better, why not take them out for dinner as a way of saying ‘Thank You’ for all the hard work they have done.

Good luck!

Heryati R

Heryati R

Heryati is a member of the customer success team at 6Q, and is based in Perth, Western Australia. Heryati enjoys writing, reading and live music. She believes 6Q is awesome for employee engagement surveys.