Why Startups Need To Focus On Team Engagement

Why Startups Need To Focus On Team Engagement In the competitive world of startups, where innovation sparks the flames of potential and zeal fuels the route to success, one critical component often sets companies apart: team engagement.  Imagine a team not just...
Why Startups Should Use Pulse Surveys

Why Startups Should Use Pulse Surveys

Startup life can be frantic and fast. Between growth, ironing out bugs, planning product, seeking runway and generating interest, its easy to forget that your team is your most important asset. So how do you ensure you are listening to your team, collecting feedback...
How Appbot Works on Creating Great Culture

How Appbot Works on Creating Great Culture

In this guest article by Claire McGregor, co-founder of start-up, Appbot, Claire discusses her belief that it’s one thing to hire the right people, another to build a happy team. When I was 21 someone I knew at the time once asked me “what’s the meaning of life?”. I...