Enterprise Features Now Available to Everyone

Since we began, we’ve had a set of features that were only available with our larger plans. Today, we’re pleased to announce that we’ve released most of these to everyone, regardless what plan you’re on. 

As an example, the smaller of our monthly plans had limited history in our trends feature, didn’t allow for custom questions, and they had no employee import function. Only the largest, enterprise level plans, had the ability to add your own logo to all your emails.

As of today, that has all changed.

That’s right – all of our customers, no matter what plan, now get our suite of features, except for our concierge on-boarding and telephone support.

You can view most of our features over on our Features page. To give you a quick recap, here are the features that are now open to all; 

All plans

Visual trends

We now allow all customers to get the last 18 polls in trends. This was previously only for the larger plans.

Unlimited segments

This was only available for plans larger than 100 employees. It is now available to everyone.

Leadership resources

Our 140+ articles in the leadership resources library is available to all. This is accessible to all managers, when they log in to My 6Q.

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Custom questions

This used to only apply to medium plans and up. Now, all customers can add their own custom questions for their surveys.

Import users wizard

As mentioned above, this used to be a feature for the larger plans. Now everyone can import their employees in bulk, saving time and money.

Branded emails

Previously only for enterprise level plans, this feature means that all our customers can now add their own logo to any outbound emails, such as survey invitations, survey reminders and email reports.

New pricing page

Choose a plan on our new pricing page

1,000 Team and above

Customers that have 1,000 or more employees, now have all the above features, plus…

Email & telephone support

Our telephone help is perfect for those urgent requests for our enterprise customers.

Concierge on-boarding

We’ll do the heavy lifting when starting off, importing all employees, putting them in segments, adding questions and the like.

In Summary

We are pleased to be rolling out these features to all our customers, so they get more for their monthly subscription. No longer should smaller organisations have less features – we are big believers in small businesses, and we don’t want to hold back features because you don’t have a large team. We trust that all our customers find this announcement useful, and look forward to seeing our smaller customers adopting these features.

Lauren Clarke

Lauren Clarke

Lauren writes for 6Q and a number of other blogs from her home office in Australia. She spends her time writing, reading and changing US to International English on many articles that she edits.