Update: Multiple Polls and Improved Screens

We take an approach to our product development that weighs heavily on requests made by our customers. An increasing request is for the ability to send multiple employee polls, and today we are pleased to report they are here.

There have been a few customers recently who have been trying to achieve results that require the ability to run entirely independent employee polls to their team. These scenarios include;

  • Sending different questions to different employee segments (for example, one questions set to customer service teams, and another set to management)
  • Sending questions in different languages to different employee segments (for example, different native speaking groups)
  • Sending polls out using the segments local time zone (for example, customers who have teams in multiple countries)
  • Sending different polls, using different time periods (such as a weekly poll, as well as a quarterly poll to the same employees)

The team at 6Q are excited to announce that all of the above, and more, are now possible with our new multiple polls feature. This feature has now been rolled out in our latest update, and has been applied to all customers, no matter what plan they are on.

Note that your current polls remain the same, and you do not need to action anything to continue with your current employee polling.


New My Polls screen

New My Polls screen


To guide you through the process of adding more employee polls to your account, we have answered a few common questions below.

How do I create a new poll?

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You do this by clicking on My Polls in the navigation. On the My Polls screen, you will see an Add New Poll button next to the title at the top of screen. Clicking this will create a new poll, with a blank form to complete.

How do I choose the segments I wish to send to?

Within your chosen poll, on the My Polls screen, under the Segments sub-heading, you simply select the segments you wish to send to. Leaving all the options blank will send your poll to your entire organisation.

How do I view trends for different polls?

Click on My Trends in the menu. On the My Trends screen, you will notice the addition of filtering buttons on the top of the page, as shown below.

Select the employee poll you want to view, and the corresponding results period.


Employee survey trends menu

Filtering trends by poll and time period


What if I require more than five polls?

At this stage, we provide a maximum of five employee polls per account. Should you be interested in expanding this to more polls, please lodge interest with our support team.

Other product updates

As part of the new features, we have improved the navigation, and made changes to the layout of a few screens. We describe the changes in detail, below.


6Q Administration menu

The new navigation menu

The screens that have been changed, or re-named, are;

My Organisation

This menu option and resulting screen, now only appears for 6Q account owners. Each 6Q account has one ‘owner’ who is our customer contact.

We have migrated the poll timing section of this screen over to the new My Polls screen.

My Polls

Previously, the information for your employee polls were located across the My Organisation and My Questions screens, and these have now been combined into one screen, to streamline the process. An image of a typical My Polls screen is shown above.

My Trends

Whilst this existed previously, we’ve now added the ability to change the trends from your primary poll, to other polls if you have these activated.

My Reports

We now have moved the links to your most recent six reports from the dashboard, and up into the navigation. Hovering over this menu item will show you links to the most recent six reports, regardless of which poll.

My Account

This is now within your personal account screen, which is located by clicking on your avatar on the top right. You can set an avatar for your account by using Gravatar. Instructions for adding your first gravatar can be found here.

In Summary

We are constantly working on creating more value for our customers, and are pleased to be able to increase the amount of employee polls you can send from one to five. This, along with our improved interface and screens, reaffirms our commitment of becoming an even more valuable employee pulse survey system for you.

As always, we are very keen to receive your feedback on this feature, as well as any other customer feature requests. We pride ourselves on listening to our customers constantly, and hope to hear from you.

Lauren Clarke

Lauren Clarke

Lauren writes for 6Q and a number of other blogs from her home office in Australia. She spends her time writing, reading and changing US to International English on many articles that she edits.