
In these posts, we’ll document our hosted team survey product, features we have added, customer success stories, methods and tips to get more from our innovative weekly team polls, product related news and more.

New Features: Assistant Role and PDF Reports

New Features: Assistant Role and PDF Reports

We are pleased to announce two new features are now out of the bag, and available to our employee survey customers. Read on to discover what this means for you. We release new features regularly, and to keep up with changes, we regularly publish these posts to ensure...

Update: Multiple Polls and Improved Screens

Update: Multiple Polls and Improved Screens

We take an approach to our product development that weighs heavily on requests made by our customers. An increasing request is for the ability to send multiple employee polls, and today we are pleased to report they are here. There have been a few customers recently...

Measure Team Mood with New Reports, New Dashboard and More

Measure Team Mood with New Reports, New Dashboard and More

  The new look 6Q dashboard and reports are here, with many new features and statistics, to make it even easier for you to measure team mood. Let's explain these new features, and how to get more from your pulse surveys. We have been working behind the scenes,...

Introducing Multilingual Employee Surveys

Introducing Multilingual Employee Surveys

We're pleased to be kicking off the new year with a new feature: multilingual employee surveys. Find out what this means, and how to best utilise your local language when sending your next poll. Ever since our launch, we've been mindful that many organisations signing...

Introducing Discounts for Not for Profit Organisations

Introducing Discounts for Not for Profit Organisations

Charities and not-for-profits do an amazing service for our global community. From grassroots organisations helping feed the poor, to large organisations working on ridding the world of specific diseases, these organisations do amazing work often on a shoestring...

Product Update: Employee Comments and Reports by Segment

Product Update: Employee Comments and Reports by Segment

We're super excited to unveil our latest system updates; and I'm confident you'll agree that these are going to become popular features of 6Q. Our development team have been busy working on two new important features, which I am pleased to announce are now live to all...

How an Australian Startup Studio Measures Founder Happiness

How an Australian Startup Studio Measures Founder Happiness

Being a start-up founder can be a lonely and isolating experience. Luckily, our featured customer helps avoid this, by running a three month intensive Australian startup program, which along with the education, gives founders a chance to meet one another and forge...

Introducing Awesome Peer to Peer Employee Recognition; High Fives

Introducing Awesome Peer to Peer Employee Recognition; High Fives

We've just launched our latest exciting feature: peer to peer employee recognition, also known as High Fives. In this article, we'll explain how motivating peer to peer recognition is, and how high fives help your team congratulate each other. Surveys have proven time...

New Feature: Employee Survey Frequency

New Feature: Employee Survey Frequency

I'm happy to announce that we have just launched an exciting new feature for 6Q: the ability to control how frequently your employee surveys are sent. Since we launched, we've had feedback from some customers that weekly was too frequent for their organisations....